FO: Carillon Shawl

FO: Carillon Shawl

Pattern: Carillon Shawl by Leela Frankombe
Yarn: Voolenvine Yarns, Smitten DK – “Opal” + “Rochester” (2 skeins of each color)
Needle Size: US 8

I love how this shawl combines brioche and lace knitting! Granted, it’s been a while since I’ve employed these knitting techniques and found myself ripping back and re-knitting some rows.

Nevertheless, I persevered and and very happy with the finished object. It’s a “shlanket” for sure!

Close-up view of a partially completed Battenberg crochet blanket in pastel tones with a crochet hook and a few loose squares on top. The blanket features a mix of stitched squares in white, cream, and shades of pink and peach, creating a textured, cozy appearance. The crochet hook is lying diagonally on the blanket, and a small, unfinished square sits atop the larger work, highlighting the handmade nature of the project. Previous post Back on the Hook: Reviving My Battenberg Crochet Blanket
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