Back on the Hook: Reviving My Battenberg Crochet Blanket

Back on the Hook: Reviving My Battenberg Crochet Blanket

After four years, my Battenberg crochet blanket is back in business!

You know how it is – sometimes we start a project with all the enthusiasm in the world, and then, poof! It gets tucked away, almost forgotten. Well, that's exactly what happened with my Battenberg crochet blanket. But guess what? It's made a comeback! A need to shake things up. Rewind to 2020, amidst the Pandemic lockdown. Everything felt so dark and repetitive, and like many, it was stressing me out big time. Panic attacks were a regular thing and my knitting mojo? Practically non-existant. As someone who has a constant need to create, this was not cool. I desperately...
Learning to Crochet: Inspiring Patterns, Tools, and Resources

Learning to Crochet: Inspiring Patterns, Tools, and Resources

Oops! It seems I've fallen down the crochet rabbit hole, yet again. But this time, I'm going about it a little differently. This time, I'm...
Oops! It seems I've fallen down the crochet rabbit hole, yet again. But this time, I'm going about it a little differently. This time, I'm determined to hone my crochet skills, going beyond the granny square and basic stitches. Are you also interested in becoming a more advanced crocheter? Keep reading to find out what patterns and tools I've been enjoying while learning to crochet! CROCHET: Cue New Obsession. To be honest, I'm not sure what inspired me to suddenly go all-in on crochet. All I remember is waking up one morning feeling excited and determined to ... become good...