Learning to Crochet: Inspiring Patterns, Tools, and Resources

Learning to Crochet: Inspiring Patterns, Tools, and Resources

Oops! It seems I've fallen down the crochet rabbit hole, yet again. But this time, I'm going about it a little differently. This time, I'm...
Oops! It seems I've fallen down the crochet rabbit hole, yet again. But this time, I'm going about it a little differently. This time, I'm determined to hone my crochet skills, going beyond the granny square and basic stitches. Are you also interested in becoming a more advanced crocheter? Keep reading to find out what patterns and tools I've been enjoying while learning to crochet! CROCHET: Cue New Obsession. To be honest, I'm not sure what inspired me to suddenly go all-in on crochet. All I remember is waking up one morning feeling excited and determined to ... become good...